Why Join?
CRHDO Benefits:
- Advocacy and representation at state administrative and legislative forums
- Discounted rates for trainings and seminars
- Access to RD-approved CRHDO lease and best-practices forms and applications
- Opportunity for advertising in electronic and print publications
- CRHDO policy updates
- Listing in CRHDO membership directory
CARH Benefits:
By also becoming a member of CARH, additional benefits include:
- Access to CARH staff
- Networking opportunities
- CARH website and broadcast emails
- CARH newsletter and publications
- Membership directory
By joining properties to CARH, property managers can:
- Participate in discounted training courses
- Receive Insights for On-Sites newsletter
- Receive Savings through CARH Preferred Buyers Program at Wells Fargo Insurance Services, HD Supply, The Sherwin Williams Company, Staples and Online Rental Exchange. Products purchased in this program will prohibit the need for locating competitive bids.
Join today to be a part of the organization that is your resource, your network, and your voice for affordable rural housing.